
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Site Spotlight

The crew over at Dimemag do a great job of supplying a daily stream of info for the basketball-crazed.

Over the  course of the day, they will be posting articles with pros and cons to each possible destination for Lebron James.

So far, Clippers, Heat, and Cleveland Lebronoliers are up, so mosey on over

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Hit List

Most of the buzz generated in July is gonna revolve around free agency, that's a definite. However, there exists a fair number of teams who have some players that could be traded as well...

     Chris Paul is the biggest name, I have no idea why the Hornets would ever let him go, not only is he still the best or next-best point in the league, he championed that franchise throughout all the tough times in New Orleans. He's their savior, and they have already shot down Devin Harris and the number 3 draft pick that is Derrick Favors. When a player this good can be had, there will be plenty of suitors, so look for plenty of talk, but seriously, never ever trade a franchise point guard.

     Tayshaun Prince is not safe in Detroit, and Rip could also be on his way out. We were talking about these guys moving last year as well though, but the Tayshaun talk is stronger this year.

     Andre Iguodala is still expendable to the 76'ers, and any trade involving him will most likely send over Elton Brand and his whopping contract as well.

    Gilbert Arenas to the Magic has been hot recently, and with Wall in town they certainly need to ship Gil out, this is the only player I see DEFINITELY being moved before the season.

In the sign-and-trade mill, the talks of Bosh and Jarrett Jack for Bynum and Odom are heating up again. Toronto would be happy with this deal, considering they're just about ready to give Hedo away, but this doesn't make a ton of sense for the champs. Bosh has stated he does not want to play an undersized center anymore, and Pau Gasol is much more effective at the 4 as well. Without Odom on the bench, there could potentially be no one in their second unit if Farmar and Brown bolt.

The Cavaliers have talked about shipping out both Mo and Delonte, with the redman most definitely on his way out. Rumored trade partner is Toronto, with Calderon being the target.

What do you guys think the Cavs should do in the offseason, assuming Lebron stays? Do you try to lure Bosh or another big-name big guy? Do you try to shake-up the point and ship out Mo? If Lebron leaves, do you blow up the team completely like the Wizards and try to pick up talent and picks?

(Excellent post by the squad over at Bleacher Report about trades affecting Lebron, great read)

Lebron Agency 2010

WARNING: The images below are graphic, and may be disturbing and offensive to some.

Best dressed man on draft night = Wesley Johnson. Smooth jumpshot, smooth pants.

And then this, well, this is what it's all about. The glory of the draft, the happiness of a dream being realized.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Cinderella Man

    Great song, good to live to
The beat is crazy, Eminem is CRAZY. (Warning: Explicit Content)

I own nothing shown in the video.

Tom Izzo?

After watching More Than A Game yesterday, I have come to the conclusion (or rather, stayed at...) That Bron is one of the cockiest people alive. But as everyone will say right away, what else do you think he COULD even be? Well he definitely could be humble, but I find myself believing that his persona is a media product. All his life he has been the best. On 'another level' compared to his peers - and always scraping at more potential. And being told that he's above where he is now, the world telling him he's the greatest, dubbing him king. So I think he performs to what is dictated for him, but ill always wish our global icon was one who defied the expectations and showed a sense of humility that showed - hey, even though I'm clearly the best at what I do, there's no excuse to behave like it. 

                         That being said and done, enter game 5. 

Friday, June 11, 2010


I swear I'm gonna put up a post tomorrow. Scout's honor

Make sure you check out this video if you can, though. Honestly it's funny, Big Baby may finally be able to shed his moniker in favor of "Shrek". It fits him perfectly.

Off to go watch More Than A Game on MTV. Appreciate Lebron before he leaves me and breaks my heart.