You have joined the Miami Heat. All the media who shook in glee over the free agent summit dealings have been vindicated, and Lebron, Wade, and Bosh have now united.
Lebron was shown a video of his jersey being burned, and his response was that "that is something I can't get involved in" - Well that's just one of the plethora of ignorant, narcissistic statements "The Decision" featured. He then later went on to say that he couldn't make this an emotional decision, but then stated that he had to do what made Lebron happy (yes, third person, he is THAT cocky).
Lebron is hands-down the greatest free-agent to leave a team he once called home. Looking at his counterpart, Kobe Bryant, when he publicly demanded to be traded from the Lakers it ended up being a ploy to stimulate the front office to acquire better players. WAKE UP, he told them, or I'm leaving. Later on, voila, Pau Gasol and two championships on the doorstep.
-This is the difference-
Kobe got a n extension and allowed the front office to work towards getting better players. Lebron coolly screwed over the Cavaliers by letting his immaturity (look at all the separating figures from Lebron and Kobe! *Cough* 5 rings *cough*) prevent the team from signing or trading for literally anyone, as no one would go near the now-gutted Cavs roster. Of course Bosh wouldn't go to Cleveland, Lebron and his 'media campaign' would not tell anyone, repeat anyone, know his decision. Wade and Bosh basically bullied Lebron into signing with them by joining before he committed. Two of his teammates, two superstars, said "we've had enough of your games, we're going to Miami. If you want to be the third wheel, come on down and win for us, we'll play nice". After months of disillusionment on bated breath, with Cleveland going through the proverbial ringer, we have emerged as a destroyed franchise. Our two best players are now Mo Williams and Antwan Jamison, otherwise known as horrible contract/overrated players 1 and 2. All that's left to do is clean out our roster for "the future" - try to get some draft picks, young players, and let J.J. Hickson play big minutes. Whatever way you look at it, we are royally screwed. At least four years until contention.
Lebron thinks he can win 'now and in the future in Miami' but it seems pretty clear to all that the Lakers will threepeat next year. The Heat have basically no money, also known as literally no money, to fill out the roster.The Lakers are too stacked and too comfortable with each other to lose to a newly assembled team of egos, unlike Bostons big three, who were largely humble enough to coexist. Sure it will look like a playground out there for those three, and it will be exciting as all heck to watch after the bitterness subsides, but next season is too early for them to mesh. Maybe next year the dynasty comes to fruition, but it is still a ways away.
Finally, as for Lebron James' legacy goes, I think this cements his ceiling as the third greatest basketball player of all time. Note that is ceiling, not status. His Airness himself never left (#1) and neither did Bill Russell (#2) to win rings. Jordan has 6, and Russell has 11. It does not matter how many he wins, because right away, there is an asterisk. *Left team where he could not win on his own.
He left. He left he left he left, and he is gone. Cleveland will never take him back. Lebron will never be welcomed in this city again. He is a disgrace to us and...
and I don't know how else to put it, I'm just too bitter and angry to go on.
That was great dude.